Po River

The Po is the longest river in Italy and flows eastward across Northern Italy.
The river runs through many important Italian cities, including Turin, Piacenza, Cremona, Mantova and Ferrara.
It is connected to Milan through a net of channels called navigli, which Leonardo da Vinci helped design.
Near the end of its course, it creates a wide delta, projecting into the Adriatic Sea near Venice, between Chioggia and Comacchio.
The Po Delta wetlands have been protected by the institution of two regional parks in the regions in which it is situated: Veneto and Emilia Romagna.
Two convenient docking facilities are located near the small towns of “Polesella” and “Revere”. From there, guests can easily reach by bus many beautiful cities such as Bologna, Ferrara, Mantova, Parma and Verona.